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heavenly day

At the top of Union Peak

Gracious, I think I could write five blog posts about the past two weeks. Which means I have to really narrow down what I'll talk about here... Maybe I'll get around to all the other amazing and challenging things that have been going on in my life lately, but first I really, really need to share about last weekend, particularly Sunday.

First things first: I got to see my Momma last weekend!! I was so, so blessed to have her here to spend precious time together and to share a bit of my new world with her--especially the ministry for which I've ended up in Crater!

I am so incredibly blessed by the beautiful relationship I get to share with my Momma. She truly is one of my very closest friends, which is such a testament to God and His transformative power. We were not always as close as we are now, but I thank God that one of the effects of the transformation He has created in me is deeper and richer relationships, particularly with Momma.

After Mom's visit last weekend, I was really struck by how intensely I value any time I am able to spend with her now (her friendship and guidance, and for that matter, all of my family relationships, have become increasingly important to me since I began college). When a friend here asked when I'd next see her, the realization that we won't be physically reunited until Thanksgiving hit me hard. To be totally honest, any thought of her last Sunday after she left made me cry with an intense mix of thankfulness, joy, and sorrow (and writing this post I am not dry-eyed either). God has blessed me so.

I saw God coming through in so many beautiful ways on this particular Sunday that Mom was visiting. I have never doubted His faithfulness amidst all the darkness and challenges of being in this place; however, I had begun to feel discouraged a couple of weeks ago. But on Sunday, God showered blessings and encouragement on me right and left. Besides the beautiful time spent with Momma, we had more people at our church service than any of the others to that point, which was absolutely an answered prayer (which God continued to come through with at today's service). What an incredible opportunity we have to reach out to people, meet people from all over the world, share the Gospel with people, provide a space for communal worship, and be encouraged by others in their own walks of faith.

My ministry partner and a couple of coworkers and I were very blessed to meet and spend time with a PCT hiker on this beautiful Sunday. Though I had to fight to keep away the tears, I joined this inspiring hiker and my friends for a lovely lunch just after seeing Momma off on her way back home, not long after our service. Our new hiker friend had come to service that morning and was so encouraged by God and the work He is doing through ACMNP that he wanted to treat us to lunch. The conversation we shared with this man was beautiful, rich, inspiring, encouraging, and so full of love. His walk of faith and the way he has so earnestly sought God for so long is such a testament to God and His faithfulness and guiding hand. What a beautiful thing it is to share moments with people who are earnestly and devotedly seeking God's heart.

After lunch, my ministry partner and I spent some time hiking and talking together. It was a wonderful time to connect more deeply, all while surrounded by the lush beauty of the nearby Annie Creek. During that time, we truly marveled at God's faithfulness and blessing to us in our ministry. I may have said this once already... but I am so thankful and beyond blessed to have the opportunity I do in living here, connecting with people I never would have met and shining the light of the Lord in spaces that desperately need His presence.

I know there were other ways in which God came through that day to make it overwhelmingly heavenly. This is one of the problems with waiting to blog! I'm doing what I can here, but there is so very much to do at all times. Oh, the never-ending balancing act that is life.

Thank you, as ever, for your support and encouragement in this time of my life! Please pray for opportunities for deep connections and conversations with my fellow employees; rest and encouragement in the Lord and His Word each day; and for God to use myself and my partner in ministry to speak His Truth into the people we meet. Be blessed!

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it."

-- John 1:5

Getting close to the real climb!

There is so much more to share, and I hope I will find time to do so, soon. In the meantime, a small side note on photos: the photos I want to show you all are often delayed in getting to me. Either they are taken on another person's phone and I have to battle the wifi and lack of cell service to get them (ex. those in this post, from Union Peak), or they were taken on my film camera and I'm not likely to have them for weeks. Hence, photos won't likely match most of my blog posts. So please forgive me for that!

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